Butcher (The Indoctrinatrix)

Butcher is a queer dominatrix, kink creator, educator, and performer based in Paris. They have given various workshops across Europe, mainly on impact play, CNC, and edge play. Their BDSM philosophy is unconventionally anarchist, and their aesthetics draws from punk and gothic horror.
Monsters Under Your Bed: Playing with CNC
Has it ever occurred to you that the only monster living under your bed is you? Have you ever wanted to play with the edges but didn’t know how to leave the confines of SSC? Welcome to the raw, less glamorous side of BDSM. In this part-demo part-workshop catered for all (monsters, preys, and creatures in-between and beyond), Butcher will guide you through the highs and lows of consensual non-consent (CNC).
Together in this workshop, we will unleash our inner monster (or inner prey) and invite them to unapologetically take space. We will delve into the mechanisms of CNC and the possible arenas of playing with both the body and the mind, and pushing emotional buttons. We will also develop our critical thinking and assessment (as tops and bottoms) of when and how to push and where consent ends. The workshop will cover how to negotiate before playing with CNC, what our responsibilities are as players, and how to deal with potential triggers and fuck-ups afterwards.
TW: This is a RACK workshop. We ask all participants to be aware of the potential triggers that might arise, manage themselves, and leave the room if and when they need to.