
Sell Yourself!

Are you ready to take your projects to the next level? The FFD community is rich with potential for collaboration and creativity, and there’s no better way to showcase your skills than through our “pitch share,” hosted by Miss Lupa Mannara. This platform invites you to present your current projects, seek assistance, or lend your support to fellow community members.

The beauty of our FFD community lies in its diverse skill set. From graphic designers to marketers, musicians to educators, we have immense talent. Perhaps you have expertise in photography or event management? Perhaps you’re a performer or host workshops? Sharing your knowledge can foster a supportive environment where creativity thrives. By participating in the pitch share, you’ll promote your project and discover projects that resonate with your interests and skills. The collaborative spirit is strong here, and your engagement can lead to exciting partnership opportunities.

Sharing your projects can inspire others to take a leap of faith with their own ideas. Remember to consider how your skills can benefit your peers as well. As we come together to pitch projects and share skills, we strengthen our community and cultivate a culture of generosity and collaboration.

You will have just two minutes to deliver your pitch on stage. Think of it as a brief showcase of what you offer, allowing you to attract potential collaborators and supporters. After the pitch share, you can take advantage of the three days of the event to discuss with others how you can work together.

About Miss Lupa Mannara:

Miss Lupa Mannara is a French dominatrix based in Paris and London. With her creative mind, her journey into BDSM has been one of discovery and experimentation, which she lives with the utmost intensity. As a protective she-wolf with a sadistic and twisted mind, she particularly enjoys navigating extremes. It is a skillful balancing act that she has refined to take her prey on the most beautiful adventures.

She believes in the power of community connections to build resilience and positive changes in kink and sex work. She co-hosts the Jeanne de Berg events with Maitresse Isadora in Paris. This space is dedicated to Domnatrixes and powerful women, to share resources and overcome challenges together.

Interrogation Scenes & Military Play: Motivations & Scene Ideas

Crisp uniforms. Commanding women and dashing men. Relentless discipline. Cruel interrogators. Physically demanding training. Intimidating inquisitions and pointed questionings. If these images make your heart beat faster, then march, don’t lollygag to this class!

In this presentation, Midori will discuss the different types of military vs. interrogation scenes, motivations, and psychology, how to prepare, how to maintain your roles, and how to incorporate safety in the scene structure, ‘Breakers vs Endurer’ scenes, and several ideas for scenarios. These scenes encompass a wide variety of play and scene structures. Fantasies, motivations, and narrative dynamics vary widely. It can involve solo play, pair scenes, or a large cast of co-players.

Curiously… For some people such scenes and play may be a way to access deep emotions, hard feelings, to vent and even find some healing and balance with all the awful things that are happening in the world today. You will take away several points for discussion and planning, for your internal dialogue as well as scene planning with others. Please bring your open mind, curiosity, and note-taking materials.

Content warning:
The class is designed around an assumption of a basic understanding of consent in fantasy role play in BDSM, negotiation, and mutuality in aftercare. These topics will not be discussed in detail. If you are not familiar with these, we encourage you to seek out information before class.

About Midori:

Trailblazing educator, artist & irritant to banality, Midori teaches, coaches, and consults on alternative sexuality, BDSM, Shibari cultural competency, and joyful empowerment through D/s and thoughtful kink. She is known for having penned the first English instruction book on Shibari, “Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage” in 2001, paving the way for the popularity of rope today. She founded ForteFemme – Dominance Intensive. Midori is the Co-Director of Curriculum for Kink Informed Certification.

Altered States of Consciousness

Don’t think of a St. Andrew’s Cross.
After reading that sentence, you’re all thinking of a Cross, aren’t you?

  • How do you create a guaranteed subspace?
  • How do you manage/minimize a drop?
  • How do you amplify the intensity of a session for an unforgettable experience?

The answer to all these questions can be found in the same place: in altered states of consciousness, or trance.
The good news is that these states are all created in your brain.
In this workshop, you’ll be able to open the door to your unconscious and that of your playmates, and gain easy access to understanding what’s going on there.
Through a demonstration and a few simple exercises in pairs, you’ll be able to experience trance and altered states of consciousness in order to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms at work in your play and BDSM sessions.

About Lady Syene:

Lady Syene is a great traveler in the soul of the human being who, through her many facets and life experiences, delights in passing on her knowledge through experience. Passionate about the complexity of the psyche, trained in hypnosis, tantra, sex therapy and domination, the human spirit holds no mystery for this playful pedagogue.

Take Control: Power Dynamics in Scene Play

In this hands-on workshop, Matriarch Ezada Sinn will guide you through the art of power exchange within the context of female dominance. This workshop is tailored for dominant women and their partners, regardless of gender. You’ll learn how to create powerful scenes by focusing on body language, touch, and tone to express and enforce your dominance.

Throughout the session, you’ll explore sensations such as control, dominance and submission, and anticipation, gaining the skills to enhance your dynamic. Live demonstrations will showcase how to lead as a dominant woman and increase the energy of power exchange in scene play. Participants will have the opportunity to practice in pairs or groups, with live feedback from Ezada.

Whether you’re an experienced dominant or just beginning your journey, this workshop provides valuable insight into the art of female-led power exchange.

About Ezada Sinn:

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How Sx Tech Can Transform and Empower Your Dominatrix Business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

About Ola Miedzynska:

Ola is a trailblazer in sex tech and adult tech, blending expertise across tech innovation and industry advocacy. With years of experience collaborating with sex tech and adult market brands, she’s been instrumental in product development, digital marketing, CSR, and creating forward-thinking ecosystems around products and services. She’s founded and led Sx Tech Europe, a sex tech hub and platform bringing the global sex tech sector together and advocating for ethical solutions across the vice industries.

By 2023, Ola grew Sx Tech Europe with a second branch of business – a boutique agency specializing in tailored marketing and PR services, including SEO, SEA, and media relations, addressing the unique challenges of industries facing stigma and algorithmic discrimination.

As co-founder of, Ola is also a fierce advocate for sex workers’ rights, research, and policy change, making her a key voice in driving both innovation and inclusivity. Based in Berlin, Ola has worked with leading brands such as LELO, Satisfyer, JOYclub, Realbotix, Lioness, Mysteryvibe, Paramount, and many others. Her interviews have been featured in major publications including Bild, Ra1, TechCrunch, RTL, and The Guardian.

Couture sur peau (en français)

L’atelier couture sur peau va vous permettre d’apprendre les techniques de sutures médicales ainsi que toutes les pratiques d’hygiène et de sécurité associées.

Cet atelier convient tout autant aux kinksters qui recherchent une portée artistique dans leur pratique, qu’à ceux qui visent davantage la contrainte et/ou la douleur dans leurs jeux. En effet, la couture sur corps peut être purement ornementale. Il est ainsi possible de transformer le corps de son partenaire en œuvre d’art et de l’orner de perles, fleurs, bijoux, tissus… Ou encore d’apprendre des techniques de branding plus ou moins éphémères. Cette pratique peut également porter sur des aspects plus physiques, elle offre des possibilités de contrainte très intéressantes. Notamment des techniques d’attaches où les membres sont suturés entre eux ou sur le corps, pour maintenir son partenaire dans la posture souhaitée.

Cet atelier est ouvert à tous, toutefois avant de se lancer dans cette pratique, il est souhaitable d’avoir déjà quelques notions de medical play et d’être un minimum l’aise avec le sang.

  • Points abordés :
  • ⁠Quel matériel pour quelle pratique ?
  • ⁠Quelles sont les règles d’hygiène et les risques ?
  • ⁠Comment réaliser un point de suture / comment coudre sur la peau ?
  • ⁠Dans quel but ? (ornemental, artistique / contraintes, douleur)

À propos de Maîtresse Isadora :

A la fois dominatrice professionnelle et lifestyle, Maîtresse Isadora, est l’une des figures de proue de la domination française. Présente également à l’international, elle prône un BDSM élégant, sophistiqué et sensuel dont la finalité est une connexion profonde avec son partenaire. Passionnée par l’art et par la littérature depuis son enfance, elle a à coeur d’insuffler une dimension artistique à ses pratiques, qui tendent vers une recherche permanente du Beau. Ainsi, le BDSM est pour elle avant-tout un moyen de toucher à un aspect à la fois pur et brut de l’humain et de sublimer la sexualité et le lien à l’autre.

Mindfuck Me ! (en français)

Littéralement « baise de l’esprit ».

Petits jeux d’esprit pour plaisirs pervers.
Avec des cartes, des dés, et surtout votre matière grise, prenez le contrôle de votre partenaire…

Buts de l’atelier – Déstabiliser votre partenaire, diriger ses pensées, lui faire croire que ceci ou cela l’attend, l’effrayer (sans doute) un peu, orienter ses réactions, susciter puis diriger ses émotions, le ou la laisser mijoter dans son jus d’incertitude… En une phrase comme en cent : l’emmener où vous l’avez décidé, comme vous l’avez décidé, quand vous l’avez décidé, le tout dans le respect du consentement.

Moyens – Des techniques de manipulation simples, qui se déploient à partir de petits jeux à base de cartes et de dés. De courtes démonstrations alternent avec des moments de jeu libre.

Mise en garde – Le mindfuck peut être une pratique soft comme très hard, potentiellement risquée. Il n’est pas à mettre entre toutes les mains (tous les cerveaux). Une attention particulière sera donc portée au cadre et au consentement.

  • Expérience BDSM vivement recommandée.
  • Aucun matériel BDSM requis. Apportez des cartes et des dés.
  • Switch recommandé.

À propos de Madame Lule :

Dans son Cruel Boudoir, Madame Lule se voit en chorégraphe de fantasmes très particuliers. Adepte des jeux depuis des années, elle est dominatrice professionnelle, coach et mentore BDSM, ainsi qu’autrice (La Loi du Talon, Anima canina chez La Musardine) et créatrice de contenus (La Férule –, Périple en Minordomie – avec Inanna Justice). Transformer ses passions en métier, c’est une… de ses passions.