Madame Lule
In her Cruel Boudoir, Madame Lule sees herself as a choreographer of very special fantasies. An enthusiast of games for years, she is a professional dominatrix, BDSM coach and mentor, as well as an author (La Loi du Talon, Anima canina published by La Musardine) and content creator (La Férule -, Périple en Minordomie - with Inanna Justice). Turning her passions into a profession is one... of her passions.
Mindfuck Me! (in French)
Literally "mind fuck".
Mind games for perverse pleasures.
Using cards, dice and, above all, your wits, take control of your partner...
Workshop goals - Destabilize your partner, direct his or her thoughts, make him or her believe that this or that is waiting for him or her, scare him or her (probably) a little, direct his or her reactions, arouse and then direct his or her emotions, let him or her stew in his or her own juice of uncertainty... In a nutshell: take him or her where you've decided, how you've decided, when you've decided, all the while respecting consent.
Means - Simple manipulative techniques, using small games based on cards and dice. Short demonstrations alternate with moments of free play.
Warning - Mindfuck can be as soft as it is hard, and potentially risky. It's not for everyone. Particular attention will therefore be paid to the framework and consent.
Switch recommended.
BDSM experience highly recommended.
No BDSM materials required. Bring cards and dice.